
What is Intuition?

This newsletter is very important for those of you who are on the fence about intuitive energy healing, or using an intuitive to help you heal yourself. Why? Because knowing...
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What is your most challenging issue, symptom, or situation? Are you aware that you can turn it around? Yes, it depends upon what your issue/symptom/situation is, however, most people live...
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Chakras and Moods

Most of us have been feeling moody at one point or another, especially over the past 2+ years with everything going on in society and around the world. Many of...
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Hearing Your Physical Body

Oftentimes I work with clients who have had symptoms in their body that they have either ignored or suppressed, and their symptoms got louder and louder until the symptom(s) were...
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Trapped Emotions and your Gut Health

Many times people face gut health issues in today's day and age due to the degraded condition of agricultural farming. Degraded foods lead to degraded gut health. Many people "clean...
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Distance Healing

One question I am often asked has to do with: "how do you work with me if I can't see you in person?" What you have to acknowledge is that...
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Soul Agreements Or Contracts

Many of us struggle in life unnecessarily. What do I mean by this? I mean, we are all divine beings who pre-script our lives. Sounds bizarre, but it is very...
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Whatever Is Inside My Energy Field Is Creating My Reality

Well what does this even mean? So many people are looking for ways to heal but have zero clue about their own energy field, which I call their energy body....
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What Can The Emotion Code Do For You?

I get emails from potential clients just awakening to energy healing or energy medicine, and many ask - What Can The Emotion Code Do For Me? I am a certified...
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What The Status Of Your Mind Tells You….

Most of us living in today's world have been scarred mentally by what we have seen over the past 2+ years although many people won't admit that. I find it...
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