My name is Laura DiSarlo
I am an Intuitive, Certified Reiki Master/Teacher/Practitioner, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, and Retired Licensed Massage Therapist. My background in energy healing began 20+ years ago when my family and I saw a Holistic Doctor who was also intuitive. This opened my mind up to the possibility that the human physical body, mind, heart, energy field - all work in conjunction. I was raised to go see an MD when any symptom(s) arose. (which you should still do because energy healing work is never a substitute for a licensed medical doctor). Utilizing a Holistic Doctor allowed me to go through my own "aha" experiences with self healing via Intuitive energy work. One such example was a diagnosis to remove tonsils, when in reality the energy field surrounding the throat area was highly toxic. As energy releases from your energy field, which sits around your physical body, the physical body begins to heal itself. It's like watching something in slow motion - hard for the brain to think this is possible, as we have all been programmed throughout millennia to believe, think, and feel otherwise.

My name is Laura DiSarlo
I am an Intuitive, Certified Reiki Master/Teacher/Practitioner, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, and Retired Licensed Massage Therapist. My background in energy healing began 20+ years ago when my family and I saw a Holistic Doctor who was also intuitive. This opened my mind up to the possibility that the human physical body, mind, heart, energy field - all work in conjunction. I was raised to go see an MD when any symptom(s) arose. (which you should still do because energy healing work is never a substitute for a licensed medical doctor). Utilizing a Holistic Doctor allowed me to go through my own "aha" experiences with self healing via Intuitive energy work. One such example was a diagnosis to remove tonsils, when in reality the energy field surrounding the throat area was highly toxic. As energy releases from your energy field, which sits around your physical body, the physical body begins to heal itself. It's like watching something in slow motion - hard for the brain to think this is possible, as we have all been programmed throughout millennia to believe, think, and feel otherwise.
For years I worked as a Medical Massage Therapist, interested in healing patients and working in various chiropractic offices. I treated many patients who were healed according to the black and white MRI's and X-Rays, the soft tissue dysfunction was reversed, yet some patients still complained of very high levels of pain. To my mind, I began to think there is something missing here. It was - the influence of energy over the human physical body, which we are not taught. Whatever sits within your energy field/energy body, will penetrate into your physical body and affect it.
Moving from physical healing into Reiki, I quickly got it - the fact that moving energy around the physical body - heals. I certified as a Reiki Master and I offer distance Reiki sessions as well as certification classes at Reiki Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Master/Teacher/Practitioner.
While enmeshed learning about Reiki, I found The Emotion Code and certified in that. The Emotion Code moves energy also and is a profound system by Dr. Bradley Nelson. While working with Emotion Code clients, my own intuition turned on like a light switch. The old expression applies - when the student is ready, the teacher appears. As soon as I moved away from physical healing into energy healing, everything started, i.e. my intuition began to expand greatly.
Away from my intuitive work I am happily married to my husband for 26 years. We have 2 beautiful children and 2 rescue dogs!
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A collection of articles that will help you tune in to your body, education around my practices and help free your heart.
What is Intuition?
This newsletter is very important for those of you who are on the fence about intuitive energy healing, or using an intuitive to help you heal yourself. Why? Because knowing what intuition is, how intuitive healing works, will answer your questions that keep you from taking the plunge.