Free Your Heart With Laura

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Laura DiSarlo
Certified Reiki Master Teacher/Practitioner
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
Retired Licensed Massage Therapist #MA54932

You and I are here during a very exciting time on our planet.

Now more than ever, people are seeking alternatives to move beyond their current symptoms, issues, and problems.

We are all creating our own reality each and every day. Together we can help turn this world around from fear, to one of love via healing of the self at the root level/cause.

Reiki classes & chakras assessment
Reiki classes & chakras assessment

Intuitive work

I am an Intuitive who connects to your subconscious and obtains information pertaining to your concerns - ranging from physical, mental, emotional, psychic, and/or spiritual.

The subconscious mind is a goal-seeking, archival, supercomputer that stores everything about you; think of me as a conduit connecting you to your subconscious, a transcriber of what lies within your subconscious. What lies within our own subconscious mind creates our reality on a daily basis.

Reiki classes & chakras assessment

You and I are here during a very exciting time on our planet.

Now more than ever, people are seeking alternatives to move beyond their current symptoms, issues, and problems.

We are all creating our own reality each and every day. Together we can help turn this world around from fear, to one of love via healing of the self at the root level/cause.

Reiki classes & chakras assessment

Intuitive work

I am an Intuitive who connects to your subconscious and obtains information pertaining to your concerns - ranging from physical, mental, emotional, psychic, and/or spiritual.

The subconscious mind is a goal-seeking, archival, supercomputer that stores everything about you; think of me as a conduit connecting you to your subconscious, a transcriber of what lies within your subconscious. What lies within our own subconscious mind creates our reality on a daily basis.

Book a session

Laura DiSarlo
Certified Reiki Master Teacher/Practitioner
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
Retired Licensed Massage Therapist #MA54932


I work with clients globally. There is no such thing as distance when it comes to energy.

Reiki Classes

In my classes learn the history of Reiki, the Reiki power symbol, receive intuitive Reading pertaining to yourself as far as your ability to restore balance and wellness for others.

Chakra Assessment

Chakras refer to points or avenues of energy entering and exiting your body.  When out of balance, the chakras can stop spinning, which means you have no energy entering into your body.

Pet Sessions

Pets are like family. Most people are unaware that pets are affected by energy and that they respond very well to intuitive energy healing sessions and Reiki. These sessions work very well with them.


I work with clients globally. There is no such thing as distance when it comes to energy.

Reiki Classes

In my classes learn the history of Reiki, the Reiki power symbol, receive intuitive Reading pertaining to yourself as far as your ability to restore balance and wellness for others.

Chakra Assessment

Chakras refer to points or avenues of energy entering and exiting your body.  When out of balance, the chakras can stop spinning, which means you have no energy entering into your body.

Pet Sessions

Pets are like family. Most people are unaware that pets are affected by energy and that they respond very well to intuitive energy. This is one of the reasons that Reiki works well with them.


A collection of articles that will help you tune in to your body, education around my practices and help free your heart.


17 SEP 22

What is Intuition?

This newsletter is very important for those of you who are on the fence about intuitive energy healing, or using an intuitive to help you heal yourself. Why? Because knowing what intuition is, how intuitive healing works, will answer your questions that keep you from taking the plunge.


What is Intuition?

This newsletter is very important for those of you who are on the fence about intuitive energy healing, or using an intuitive to help you heal yourself. Why? Because knowing ...


What is your most challenging issue, symptom, or situation? Are you aware that you can turn it around? Yes, it depends upon what your issue/symptom/situation is, however, most people live ...

Chakras and Moods

Most of us have been feeling moody at one point or another, especially over the past 2+ years with everything going on in society and around the world. Many of ...

Hearing Your Physical Body

Oftentimes I work with clients who have had symptoms in their body that they have either ignored or suppressed, and their symptoms got louder and louder until the symptom(s) were ...