
How Carrying Forward Unlearned Past Life Lessons Affects You In The Now

When a soul is about to incarnate inside a new life (new physical body on the earth during a new timeline) that soul comes in with baggage. Picture yourself at...
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Chakra Assessment is now available thru my website: Your chakras are a very complex energy system. Chakras refer to energy points, or avenues of energy entering and exiting your...

Subconscious Programming Via TV News To Divide

In my last newsletter I put forth a few ideas that can help reduce your level of stress, which is fear. As an intuitive energy healer, I meet with many...
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Bringers Of The Dawn, Teachings From The Pleiadians

Barbara Marciniak is an internationally known trance channel who states that she has channeled beings from the star system Pleiades. Pleiades is a local star to Earth, visible in the...
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Book Review: Plan A Happy Life by Stephanie Fleming

Stephanie Fleming wrote a new book called Plan A Happy Life, which I have just finished reading. I highly recommend this book to everyone. Stephanie Fleming is the creator of...
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Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are an excellent way to strengthen - or work out - your intuitive skills. We are all made/created exactly the same, yet many people have lost all intuitive...
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In my sessions with clients - they often state affirmations. Why? Because affirmations reprogram the subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind contains past life information - all of which is vital...
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How To Take Your Power Back

From an early age we are taught to give our power away. Do you really think that's a good idea as an adult? I don't. All around us each day...
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What Is It That You Deny?

As we have established in prior articles, denial is a state of mind that kicks in when we are looking to survive something. Whether it's a relationship embroiled in hatred,...
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What Happens When We Accumulate Energy Belonging To Other People?

As we go about our daily routines with work, social, home, and physical movement called exercise....we flow. Whenever you notice the flow alternating, it may be a sign that you...
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